Vocals & Guitars - Hans York
Drums - Mike Stone
Bass - Keith Lowe
Organ - Joe Doria
Background Vocal - Tiffany Wilson
Percussion - Ralf Goeldner
Piano - Ryan Shea Smith
Pedal Steel - Dan Tyack
Trumpet, Flugelhorn - Samantha Boshnack
Trombone, Tuba - Nelson Bell
Sax - Izaak Mills
Handclaps – Jean Mann, Evan Brubaker
From evocative ballads to rousing roots rockers: With Heard or Herded?, singer-songwriter Hans York navigates a deep spectrum of bluesy grooves, sparkling atmospherics, punchy horns and wailing background vocals.
Produced by Evan Brubaker; Recorded by Mell Dettmer and Evan Brubaker at Avast, Aleph, and Forgiveness (Seattle, WA and Tacoma, WA); Mixed by Mell Dettmer and Evan Brubaker at Avast (Seattle, WA); Mastered by David Glasser, Airshow, Boulder, CO; Executive Producer - Phil Cohen; Photography by Dina Scoppettone; Art Director - Scott Docherty, Redhare; Released 2012